Post Index, including those not big enough to warrant a separate page.
MINI: As of January 9, 2018, my personal record of 3 minutes and 19 seconds on a hard level puzzle in Sudoku (at websudoku), is in the top 2% of times. No further updates on the life front. Got through the first week of the New Year with lorazepam in my pocket. Happy New Year, neocities!
MINI: As of December 15, 2017, my personal record of 3 minutes and 27 seconds on a hard level puzzle in Sudoku (at websudoku), is in the top 2% of times. I thought I would never see the day I'd beat my time of 3 minutes and 42 seconds, especially with a recent dark age my inability to do a puzzle in under 7 minutes (or concentrate at all). But that probably had to do with stress and a startling lack of natural sunlight (now I'm officially diurnal since 3 weeks ago). However, I've passed what I thought was my limit. Wonderful. :) Now I just need to improve my unreasonably terrible 300 block score on the Small Excavator puzzle in Infinifactory.
MINI: Currently reading the first volume in the Battle Angel Alita reprint. The glossy pages really make the inks and the colour pages pop! Also Alita is my sexy cyborg wife. That is all. This is a test post.